Two exam successes today!

Firstly, huge congratulations to our student Glyn, who successfully passed his PPL Skills Test today!

Glyn has fitted in his flight training around his cabin crew duties for a certain red-nosed airline operating not too far from Redhill, as well as helping us out on busy weekends at Redhill Aviation!

Glyn has been learning on Cessna 152s and today flew G-BOYL with our in-house examiner Jill Develin. 

Today the weather was perfect for the test, unlike some of the days recently booked by Glyn!

Congratulations Captain!

Congratulations also to our media editor Sam, who passed her Multi Engine class rating skill test today with Tuhin, another of our Redhill Aviation examiners.

The test was flown in a Beechcraft Be76 Duchess. Sam departed Redhill and carried out some of the test at the Top Gear test track – also known as Dunsfold aerodrome. Fortunately Mr. Clarkson was not in attendance!

Although being a twin engine aircraft, ironically much of the test was carried out simulating one of the engines not working!

October 12, 2017 12:00 am

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