School Visit to Redhill Aerodrome!
Today we were visited by the children of Peridot class, Langshott Primary School. The visit was organised by one of our PPL members, Gerry.
The children were on the airfield all day and the purpose was to tie in with their "Forces in Science" Project which explain the forces of lift, weight, thrust, drag.
It had been arranged for the class to visit the hangars, the NPAS (National Police Air Service), the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance and of course, Redhill Aviation! The children enjoyed some ground school lessons in our classroom and then went out to sit in the aircraft. The feedback received from the class teacher was that they all really enjoyed it! As you will see from the pictures, so did we! (All pictures used with permission).
January 19, 2017 12:00 am
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