Next Fly Out Announced – Sunday 1 October – Monewden Private Strip
Come and join us for our Autumn Fly Out to the delightful privately-owned farmstrip at Monewden, Ipswich, by kind permission of airfield owner Steve.About one hour’s flight time from Redhill, Monewden is located 8 miles NE Ipswich / 2 miles N of Debach Airfield (pronounced “Debidge”). The grass runway (04/22) is 800 metres x 20 metres (so longer than Redhill’s Rwy 08L/26R).Depending on the weather forecast and everyone’s preferences, we will either bring picnics to enjoy on the airfield or get a minibus to the local pub for lunch, kindly laid on by Steve.This fly out is open to all, whether you are a student with Redhill Aviation, already have your own licence, or even have your own aircraft! Numbers will be strictly limited, so if you would like to join in, please register your interest by either telephoning our Ops Desk on 01737 822959 or by emailing us (fly @ redhillaviation . co . uk)
This is a great opportunity to practice your farmstrip flying skills. However, if you’ve never flown into a farmstrip before, no problem! This airfield makes a great introduction to farmstrip flying and it is no more difficult than Redhill. A full briefing will be given beforehand to all participants.
September 7, 2017 12:00 am
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