Successful Skills Test Pass!!

Many congratulations to our student Réshé, who successfully passed his PPL Skills Test yesterday. Réshé was fortunate enough to win a PPL scholarship through The Honourable Company of Air Pilots. 

He has been flying with us since the summer and has crammed his training into a short space of time. Today he flew our Cessna 152 G-BGFX with examiner Rod. 

Réshé has written a few words about what it was like to learn to fly below:

I started training at the end of June having been sponsored by the Honourable Company of Air Pilots. 

I had to adapt from the harsh winds and low wing aircraft of Dundee with the Air cadet Pilot scholarship to the light winds and high wing aircraft like that at Redhill Aviation. 

Completing a PPL in three months took a lot of hard work, coming in every day and making sure I had enough money to take the taxi from the station to the aerodrome.

I wasn’t able to do anything else but Eat, Sleep and Drink everything to do with aviation, this was rather fortuitous because it led to me completing all 9 exams in 6 weeks with an overall pass average at 97%. 

After completing the exams I went straight into the Solo Cross country. This was the most fun I have ever had whilst flying;  from seeing the London skyline in the distance, to flying over Southend airport to seeing France in the distance. I thoroughly enjoyed that flight. 

Then after more revision and brushing up, it was time for the skills test. I was constantly telling myself the worst thing that can happen is the examiner doesn’t say anything (a quiet cockpit is a boring cockpit). After the 2 hrs of flying and after we had landed and shut down, after the agonising wait, I had found out that I had passed. 

3 months of hard work and studying led to me passing. 

I would like to thank:  my instructor Dirk, Jim for giving me helpful tips and assessing my radio exam, Toby for making sure I was booked in and had an aircraft available, James for helping me from the very beginning from reading the weather to offering biscuits, Laurance for giving me excellent diversion tips and last but by no means least Finian for recommending me for skills testing (my fellow Honourable Company of Air Pilots 2018 Scholar).

 great result for our hardworking young student – Congratulations Captain!

October 7, 2018 12:00 am

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